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Why I Wish I Joined 1910 PR Sooner


My goals when beginning 1910 PR were to gain more knowledge in the public relations and advertising world. I got more than that from 1910.

I learned how to write press releases and create graphics. I even learned how an event runs behind the scenes from start to finish. I gained knowledge of what it really takes to plan events and work with clients. It taught me how to work with others along with giving the clients what they want.

My experience in 1910 PR has really made my education complete.

1910 PR has given me opportunities to practice and become better at the skills I will use in my future career. It has shown me how to be a professional and how to handle clients, along with working together in teams to create the goals our customers have given us.

1910 has always made me feel like my opinion and well-being mattered, which is what made me want to work even harder. The only regret I have about 1910 is that I wish I would have joined sooner.


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