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Build a personal brand in PR?

By Kohl Patton, Associate

Think about your personal brand, your goals and topics, and the niche that you find enjoyable.  Make yourself stick out, everyone has a skill that they are good at and could help bring value to them to potential customers. Look over your skill, and write things down that could put your skill to something profitable.

Next to help is to make yourself known, by putting things that you have accomplished.

I have two certifications, Hootsuite's Social Media Marketing and Hubspot's Content Marketing. Both of these certifications show that I learned to grow followers, keep engagement, and how to help businesses have social media presents. You shouldn’t put every certification you own, but ones that back your personal brand. Treat your personal brand as your resume. For example I worked as a ropes activity member at a camp, and a cook at another camp.

I want to build a brand around outside climbing gear. If this is my personal brand goal, I would want to focus on things that would benefit my brand, instead of the just Hootsuite and Hubspot certification I would put down certification like AMGA Certification that focuses on 1 of 3 training Ski, alpine and rock. You can also get a belay certified. Why do I want the Hootsuite and Hubspots to work on growing my personal brand, with the AMGA and belay certification to back up my niche with climbing.

Find a group with the same niche that you can reply to and offer valuable feedback to the group. Group chats play as a funnel where content that might not pass your feed can pass someone else and introduce it to you, letting you be able to share it. 

With group chats that you are in there benefits like networking and collaborating with each other.  By collaborating it helps push your brand and make it stronger if you have the right collaborating, it will help make your brand more reliable and trusted.


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