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Future 1910 PR Staff! Here are 5 things you should know.

by Macie Groomer, Assistant Account Executive

Augustine, Jeremiah, Lexy and Macie working at a West Texas A and M University Distinguished Lecture Series event.
Augustine, Jeremiah, Lexy and Macie working at a Distinguished Lecture Series event.

My experience in 1910 PR has been nothing but challenging—in the best way. I registered for this class knowing nothing about 1910 PR and feeling extremely anxious for the semester ahead.

So, as you prepare for your time in 1910 PR, here are 5 things you should know.

1.    You can do this!

As a communication major with little to no media experience, the daunting task of creating media and handling public relations for real clients frightened me from the moment that I stepped foot inside of the Think Tank. If you are feeling apprehensive, I am here to tell you that it will be okay. Dr. Kinsky and the executive team make every effort to walk beside you and answer questions. If you are willing to put in the work, you will succeed.

2.    Ask Questions.

If you do not understand an assignment, or if you feel uncertain about your client’s needs, just ask. Communication is key for succeeding in 1910 PR and in the real world. So step out of your comfort zone and clarify, clarify, clarify.

3.    You will be working for real clients.

1910 PR has provided some of the best hands-on experience of my college career. You will be working with real-life clients in this class—so the stakes are high. The knowledge you will gain through this challenge, though, is priceless. Embrace it.

4.    Teamwork is VITAL.

If you would not consider yourself much of a team player, I encourage you to start expanding your mind to the possibility that teamwork may not be all that bad. As a part of 1910 PR, I have discovered that no PR firm, or any business for that matter, can run well with only one employee. Learn your teammates’ strengths and capitalize on them.

5.    Take every opportunity.

There is nothing quite like 1910 PR here at WTAMU. You will gain experience working events, running social media for your clients, and writing blog posts (just like this one). For example, this semester the staff managed social media for the Department of Communication and Amarillo SPCA and worked events for WTAMU’s Distinguished Lecture Series. You also have the opportunity to start building your personal brand as a professional with experience in the PR field.

So, seize the day! Take every opportunity to put yourself out there, network, and make a name for yourself in the professional world. You won’t regret it.


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