The year 2020 has gotten off to an outrageously bizarre start. I never expected to be conducting class from home. My collegiate career nears its end, and it’s never felt as rocky.
Being that this is my second semester with 1910 PR, I was fortunate enough to see our long-awaited Distinguished Lecture Series event for Temple Grandin take place. Not long after this event, all further events were cancelled due to the COVID-19 threat.

Nevertheless, my time with 1910PR continued to expand my newfound knowledge in the world of PR and social media management. I am a Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication major, who ended up working for West Texas A&M University’s newspaper—The Prairie News—and its student-run PR firm, 1910 PR.
I was able to pursue the growth and rebranding of The Prairie News and have continued the ties between that organization and 1910 PR. I took the skills that I learned from both organizations to better my skills and the production of them both.
This current crisis and our response to it have provided an unseen opportunity for us students to witness crisis evaluation and response in real-time.
I am incredibly thankful for my time with 1910 PR. The assistance and guidance that I’ve been given are invaluable and will stay with me no matter what. This is such a strange time that we have never seen in our lifetimes.
I look forward to the time that we may be able to have class in person again, and so that we can actually manage events and see them through once more.