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Sailing Uncharted Waters


There’s an African proverb that states, “smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” As I began my journey into the field of advertising and public relations, I learned this quickly. When I considered my basic classes, I knew it was pale in comparison to the big waves ahead. I didn’t truly begin to understand the ins and outs of public relations--that is until joining 1910 PR – the student-run PR firm on campus.

Little did I know, I needed 1910 PR more than I could have ever anticipated. I needed my smooth sail to turn into a challenge in order to cultivate my skills. Through the opportunities 1910 has provided such as developing a PR campaign, ushering attendees at events, generating research, creating appealing graphics, planning events, working with colleagues, and evaluating social media content. All of these hands-on experiences added to my potential impact in the field.

Along with all the knowledge and newfound skills I developed, there was much to overcome in the undertaking of a new field.

In all honesty, I was not fully aware of what I was getting myself into at the beginning of the semester, which suggested the smooth seas I’d experienced earlier wouldn’t last much longer. This quickly proved true as the waves grew bigger, and I began to deem the situation overwhelming. I wasn’t aware of the timeliness, dedication, adaptability, and connectivity the field demanded. However, I can now say that being immersed in a full-fledged student-run PR firm was vital to my education and growth.

1910 PR took me outside of my comfort zone into uncharted waters, but what I want to emphasize is that some of the most “skillful sailors” venture into the uncharted. If you're willing to put yourself out there, learn an abundance of timely skills, grow from failures, celebrate in success, cultivate a team and communicate well, I dare you to uncover your potential in 1910 PR!


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