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An Opportunity to Learn and Grow

by Hannah Valencia, 1910 PR executive director

When I think of my experience in 1910 PR, the first thing that comes to mind is how much I have learned. Everyone’s experience with the firm is going to be a little different, but one thing everyone can agree on is that it is an experience of learning — a learning experience.

1910 PR has the advantage of being a classroom environment, meaning it is a safe space of learning outside the less-forgiving “real world.” However, it also focuses on hands-on learning, making it more “real life” than what you typically experience in an academic class.

In 1910 PR, you can make mistakes in a safe environment, but you also have the opportunity to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You get the opportunity to work with real clients, but you have the support of faculty advisers every step of the way. At first, you will likely rely on your advisers a lot, just as I did. But, as you learn more and more, you are soon able to fly on your own for longer distances.

Joining 1910 PR is the perfect opportunity to develop skill and confidence in the field of PR, which will serve you well both inside and outside of college. There is a gap between the skills you learn in a typical classroom environment and what you will experience on the job in your career, but hands-on experience paired with the guidance of faculty mentors bridges this gap with ease.

If you want to gain hands-on experience in valuable communication and PR skills within a safe learning environment, joining 1910 PR is the right choice. No one expects you to know it all, just to try.

If you never try, you’ll never know how much you can learn and grow.



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