By Larissa Anderson, 1910 PR associate
This semester was my first semester as a public relations major. I was previously a Digital Communication and Media major but decided to slightly change the course of my educational career and have taken this semester to immerse myself into this area of communication. Prof. Bruce suggested 1910 PR to me so that I could get a hands-on experience with public relations.
1910 PR has been an amazing learning experience for me and allowed me to grow immensely as a student and working professional. I got the opportunity to work on my writing style for news releases and improve my graphic design skills. I have never written a news release until this class, so that was a great skill to add to my repertoire. I have struggled with artistic projects, so getting to practice making posters for events helped me think outside the box.
Throughout my entire college career, I have always struggled to know what career path was right for me. I have changed my major three times and still am unsure of where I truly belong as I have many interests including communications, law, and agriculture. While I don’t know what my destination is, I know I have gained the building blocks to get me wherever I want to go.